Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes

Sep 28, 2020 Evaporation Lines The instructions on most pregnancy tests will advise you to read the results within a certain window of time. This usually ranges between a couple of minutes up until 10 minutes later. If you see a positive result beyond this time frame, you may be left second-guessing the results. This is what happened with me as well. Tested on Friday and was BFN. By Sunday I was sure I was pregnant - tested again and nothing after 5 minutes so put it down in disgust and stalked out of the bathroom. Came back 20 minutes later and it was the faintest of faint lines (so faint DH said I was imagining it).

  1. Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes 50
  2. Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes Later
  3. Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes 7
  4. Can A Positive Pregnancy Test Be Wrong

Taking a pregnancy test and see a positive result is an amazing feeling when you want to have a baby. However, it isn`t really uncommon for the 2nd or 3rd test to come out as negative. While there aren`t many false positive happening usually, sometimes it may happen for a woman to get a positive line, then turn negative.

Before you start panicking, it is really important for you to understand there`re lots of instances in which this might happen.

Table of Contents

  • 3 Can a Positive Pregnancy Test Turn Negative? Why?
    • 3.8 Fertility Treatments

Positive Line on a Pregnancy Test

Most guidelines on the pregnancy tests you buy from pharmacies will instruct you to read their results in a specific time amount, generally after a few minutes.

So, you might take a test and read it within that certain amount of time as positive, then turn negative.

Regardless whether the positive line is clear enough or more fainted, you should always take a second pregnancy test to be sure. Additionally, you should visit your gynecologist for a blood test as well.

Positive Pregnancy Test, Then Negative: No Bleeding

The good news is that whether your pregnancy result was positive, then negative and you aren`t bleeding, you can still be pregnant. Taking into account that a positive test wasn`t the result of a pregnancy test taken after a miscarriage or while on fertility drugs, there are little chances for you to get a false negative.


If you received a positive result and a negative one right after, you might have just made a mistake while you took one of the tests. Your pregnancy test may be expired or just broken. The urine sample may have just been diluted for your pregnancy test to be able to detect the hCG hormone.

In addition, there`s a chance for you to be too early in pregnancy for the test to detect it. Your first test taken when obtained a positive result may have just been more sensitive than the second one. This might mean the first one was able to detect your early pregnancy, while the second one couldn`t.

Moreover, you may have got a negative result with your 2nd test due to the type of pregnancy test you have used. Digital pregnancy tests are most of the time foolproof. This type of pregnancy tests which features lines is harder to read by women. Sometimes the line is so faint that might cause confusion regarding the result of the test.

Can a Positive Pregnancy Test Turn Negative? Why?

Not Take the Pregnancy Test Correctly

If you are doing something wrong while taking a pregnancy test, you might just get a negative result. Positive pregnancy results followed by negative ones don`t really mean that you aren`t in fact pregnant. Actually, in most situations you`ll be expecting a child. A negative result when you are in fact expecting is known as a false negative pregnancy result.

Chemical Pregnancies & Early Miscarriages

Among the most frequent reasons to get a positive pregnancy result the first time and then get a negative one is because of chemical pregnancy, also known as early miscarriage. These are miscarriages which happen within the first 3 months of pregnancy and are experienced by up to 25% of pregnant women, according to

Chemical pregnancies are quite common and might offer an answer why during history there was some sort of a tradition not announcing a pregnancy until the second trimester. Symptoms of early miscarriage involve heavier periods, while certain women go through their monthly menstrual cycle without even knowing they experienced a miscarriage.

Different Pregnancy Test Brands

Using distinct types of tests sometimes require going through different guidelines as well. Most of the times, these instructions are rather the same, but exceptions are possible. So, you have to read them carefully in order to avoid misinterpretations in the end.

Obtaining positive pregnancy results, then negative ones isn`t really uncommon when using 2 different pregnancy test brands.

Pregnancy Tests that Are Too Sensitive

As you may already know, regular pregnancy tests bought from pharmacies test a woman`s levels of the hCG hormone. This particular hormone is among the first one that increases while expecting. Lots of women who`ve been attempting to become pregnant for long periods of time tend to use high end testing methods that can pick even the smallest amount of hCG hormone.

If you take a pregnancy test right after conception, the hCG level from the body might be too low, and therefore cannot be detected. Testing at distinct times during a day or consuming large amounts of liquids may also affect a pregnancy test`s result.

Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes 50


Broken or Expired Pregnancy Test

If you take a 2nd test with a different kit, be certain it isn`t broken. A broken test won`t detect the hCG hormone properly. If the control line can be seen, then you can be sure the pregnancy test works.

A pregnancy test that is expired has lost its ability to detect the levels of hCG. These tests have a maximum allowed life, which is about 2 years until they expire.

False Negative Pregnancy Test


Another reason why the 2nd pregnancy test might have obtained a negative result might be because it was broken or not functioned correctly for whatever reason. While this normally isn`t really the case, it could happen in very rare situations.

Instead of taking a test really soon, it`s perhaps better until your menstrual cycle has run its normal course. Waiting until a missed period to take a pregnancy test offers the possibility of more accuracy when reading its result.

Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes Later

Diluted Urine Sample

If you take the 2nd pregnancy test immediately after the 1st test, you may not have enough hCG hormone. This is also due to the fact that only early in the morning urine has maximum concentration of hCG.

A diluted urine sample cannot really offer a positive result during early stages of pregnancy. You may increase your accuracy by using a more sensitive pregnancy test; still, you won`t be 100% sure of its accuracy.

Fertility Treatments

Positive pregnancy test but not pregnant

If you have followed an IVF treatment and then took a pregnancy test, you`ve most likely received a false positive result. This is also due to the fact that fertility therapies work based on ovulation medications. These increase the levels of hCG in the blood.

Pregnancy Test Turn Positive After 10 Minutes 7

This may offer a positive pregnancy result, then a negative one. The second result is negative generally because the levels of hCG tend to drop after a while.

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You pee on a stick, and you wait. And wait. Those two minutes can feel like an absolute eternity when you’re hoping for a positive pregnancy result. So when you see one lonely line on the test, you might feel a little let down. But then you fish the test out of the trash later, because miracles can happen, right? And suddenly, you see not one, but two lines potentially confirming your pregnancy status. Can it be? Or does leaving your pregnancy test out for too long cause a false positive?

The short answer is a resounding yes. It is possible for a pregnancy test that’s left out for too long to show a false positive.

“We tell patients to avoid taking a urine pregnancy test since sometimes the results can be inaccurate,” Dr. Dorette Noorhasan, a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist and infertility specialist and author of The Fertility Manual: Reproductive Options for Your Family, tells Romper.

But first, a primer on pregnancy tests. They work by detecting the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This hormone is found both in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman, and home pregnancy tests can detect it as early as two weeks after conception, according to the American Pregnancy Association.

The major reason why a false positive test result can appear after you’ve taken a pregnancy test has to do less with hCG levels and more with your pee. If you’re using a urine test, that second line which you might think is proof-positive that you’re pregnant is actually an evaporation line left from your urine. “The urine can evaporate leading to false positive results,” explains Dr. Noorhasan. “This happens when you leave the test out too long before reading it.”

Medical News Today reported that home pregnancy tests are 99 percent effective when used correctly, but that’s the critical factor. It means that you have to both follow the instructions down to the letter the first time and read the test results within the allotted time period.

Each brand has different estimates on how long the results are good for, so be sure to be mindful of how many minutes you’ve got. Some require you to read the results upon completion of the test, which is what Dr. Noorhasan also advises. “Most urine pregnancy tests kits will have you read the stick within three minutes of applying the urine,” says Dr. Noorhasan. “The best advice I can give to avoid an error is to follow the instructions in the test package.”

There are other instances in which you can have a false positive pregnancy test result. If you had a prior miscarriage or abortion, your hCG levels might still be high enough to render the wrong result, Healthline reported. Also, fertility medications and other prescriptions that contain hCG and are used to treat various medical conditions, such as Parkinson’s, can produce a false positive.

Of course, you could just have a defective test, which is why it’s always a good idea to purchase a 2-pack package, just in case. And always check the expiration date on any test you might be buying, since an older test might yield inconsistent results. “The chemical to detect the hCG hormone may not work well and hence lead to a false positive,” notes Dr. Noorhasan.

Still, it’s better to be safe that sorry, so if a positive appears well after the test’s completion, you might want to follow up by taking another pregnancy test in a week or so. “If you have a positive pregnancy test, you should contact your doctor’s office so they can order a blood pregnancy test to confirm the results,” states Dr. Noorhasan. That way, you’ll know for sure if you’re truly pregnant.

Can A Positive Pregnancy Test Be Wrong

Time doesn’t move any slower than when you’re waiting those few minutes for a pregnancy test result. But time is of the essence when it comes to reading them. Make sure to follow the test’s instructions and read the response right away. After all, those two little lines just might begin the next beautiful chapter of your life.