Hymnal (us, 1982)music For Your Church Services

1982 Hymnal: Home 1982 Hymnal. Baptist Hymnal Other music My name is Chris Perry and I am the Director of Music at St. Mark's Episcopal church in Mesa, AZ.

On Saturday, I attended the ordination of my friend John Heffron tothe vocational diaconate in the Diocese of Ft. Worth. From theceremony, I got to hear the new ACNA ordinal, had a rare visit to Hymnal 1982 and learned a new (perhaps unique) hymn for ordination.Bp. Jack Iker has been ill, so Bp. Keith Ackerman (listed as thedicocese’ assisting bishop) performed the ordination.
  • Sep 06, 2015 The Hymnal, 1940 Publisher: Church Publishing, New York Number of hymns: 601. 433/2 Lead us, O Father, in the paths of peace (Langran) Organ Piano Band I.
  • Canticles - 1982-Hymnal-USA, (Various) - Quality music for congregational singing, prepared by church musicians. Large range of public domain old traditional hymns and modern songs. Variety of musical styles. Includes words and scores for public domain hymns.

ACNA Liturgy

When the ACNA created its new liturgy from the 1979 prayer book,the first priority was creating a new ordinal for deacons, priestsand bishops. The most relevant differences would appear to be inthe presentation and examination of the candidates. (In bothliturgies, the ordination is normally followed by the normalEucharist service, as it was on Saturday).
The Presentation
1979 Book of Common PrayerProposed ACNA 2019 Texts forCommon Prayer
The Bishop says to the ordinand
Will you be loyal to the doctrine, discipline, and worshipof Christ as this Church has received them? And willyou, in accordance with the canons of this Church, obey yourbishop and other ministers who may have authority over youand your work?
I am willing and ready to do so; and I solemnly declare thatI do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and NewTestaments to be the Word of God, and to contain all thingsnecessary to salvation; and I do solemnly engage to conformto the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The EpiscopalChurch.
The Bishop shall then requirethe Ordinands to take the Oath of Conformity saying
The Canons require that no one may be ordained a Deacon inthe Church until such person has subscribed withoutreservation to the Oath of Conformity. It is also requiredthat each Ordinand subscribe without reservation to the Oathof Canonical Obedience. In the presence of thiscongregation, I now charge you to make your solemndeclaration of these oaths.
Each Ordinand then declares separately
I, N.N., do believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and NewTestaments to be the Word of God and to contain all thingsnecessary to salvation; and therefore I hold myself bound toconform my life and ministry thereto, and do solemnly engageto conform to the Doctrine, Discipline and Worship of Christas this Church has received them.
Each Ordinand then declares the following Oath ofCanonical Obedience as well, saying
And I do swear by Almighty God that I will pay true andcanonical obedience in all things lawful and honest to theBishop of ________, and his successors: So help me God.
Each Ordinand then signs the Oath of Conformity and theOath of Canonical Obedience in the sight of all present.
The Examination (The Exhortation and Examination in 2019)
1979 Book of Common PrayerProposed ACNA 2019 Texts forCommon Prayer
All are seated except the ordinand, whostands before the Bishop. The Bishop addresses theordinand as follows
My brother, every Christian is called to follow JesusChrist, serving God the Father, through the power of theHoly Spirit. God now calls you to a special ministry ofservanthood directly under your bishop. In the name of JesusChrist, you are to serve all people, particularly the poor,the weak, the sick, and the lonely.
As a deacon in the Church, you are to study the HolyScriptures, to seek nourishment from them, and to model yourlife upon them. You are to make Christ and his redemptivelove known, by your word and example, to those among whomyou live, and work, and worship. You are to interpretto the Church the needs, concerns, and hopes of the world.You are to assist the bishop and priests in public worshipand in the ministration of God’s Word and Sacraments, andyou are to carry out other duties assigned to you from timeto time. At all times, your life and teaching are to showChrist's people that in serving the helpless they areserving Christ himself.
My brother, do you believe that you are truly called by Godand his Church to the life and work of a deacon?
Answer: I believe I am so called.
Bishop: Do you now in the presence of the Churchcommit yourself to this trust and responsibility?
Answer: I do.
Bishop: Will you be guided by the pastoraldirection and leadership of your bishop?
Answer: I will.
It belongs to the Office of a Deacon, to assist the Priestin public worship, especially in the administration of HolyCommunion; to lead in public prayer; to read the Gospel, andto instruct both young and old in the Catechism; and at thedirection of the Priest, to baptize and to preach.Furthermore, it is the Deacon’s Office to work with thelaity in searching for the sick, the poor, and the helpless,that they may be relieved.
The Bishop examines the Ordinands as follows
Bishop: Will you do this gladly and willingly?
Answer: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.
Bishop: Do you trust that you are inwardly moved bythe Holy Spirit to take upon yourself this Office andministry, to serve God for the promoting of his glory andthe edifying of his people?
Answer: I so trust.
Bishop: Do you believe that you are truly called,according to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, and inaccordance with the Canons of this Church, to the ministryof the same?
Answer: I so believe.
Bishop: Are you persuaded that the Holy Scripturescontain all Doctrine required as necessary for eternalsalvation through faith in Jesus Christ?
Answer: I am so persuaded.
Bishop: Will you diligently read the same to thepeople assembled in the church where you are appointed toserve?
Answer: I will.
Bishop: Will you be diligent to frame and fashionyour own lives, and the lives of your families, according tothe Doctrine of Christ; and to make both yourselves andthem, as much as in you lies, wholesome examples to theflock of Christ?
Answer: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.
Bishop: Will you reverently obey your Bishop, andother Ministers, who, according to the Canons of the Church,may have charge and authority over you; following with aglad mind and a good will their godly admonitions?
Answer: I will do so, the Lord being my helper.
Bp. Ackerman ordaining Dcn. Heffron

Set List

The parish choir and organist accompanied five hymns from Hymnal1982 (one with a different tune):
  1. I bind unto myself today
  2. Come holy ghost our souls inspire
  3. Seek ye first the kingdom of God
  4. The King of Love my Shepherd is
  5. Lord you give the great commission
I did some research on these five on Hymnary.org, TheHymnal 1940 Companion, and some other online sources. #1 and#4 were the familiar hymns with Irish tunes, present in everyAnglican hymnal since The English Hymnal (1906).
  • “I bind” is the famous 5th century text attributed to St.Patrick, set to two tunes by Ralph Vaughan Williams for TEH. Myinterviews with congregation members and church leadershipsuggest that while musically straightforward, dueto its length “St. Patrick’s breastplate” is one of themore demanding hymns in the Anglican canon.
  • “King of Love” is an 1868 text by HenryWilliams Baker, made famous as the editor in chief of HymnsAncient and Modern for the first 17 years of itsexistence. The pairing to the Irish tune (named St. Columba) wasfirst made in TEH.
Of course, #2 is the historic (9th century?) latin text VeniCreator Spritus, the rare hymn text that is part of of the Bookof Common Prayer — first in 1549 (Cranmer’s text) and laterupdated in 1662 (the version we use now). The tune is believed to beolder than the text, appears in the earliest manuscripts.
#3 is the well-known 1972 folk song with text and music bythen-Calvary Chapel musician KarenLafferty, and later published by Maranatha! Music. It seemsideal for singing with a guitar at camp — and some hymnals includingguitar chords for that purpose — but I have mixed feelings aboutusing it in congregational worship. (Of course, among Episcopaliansor Protestants more generally, I’m almost certainly outvoted).

A Hymn for Ordination

There aren’t a lot of hymns specifically for ordination, so thishymn was a welcome surprise. It was written in 1978 by Fr. (laterRt. Rev. Dr.) JeffreyRowthorn, then a liturgy professor at Yale Divinity School whoretired in 2001 after seven years as PECUSA bishop for Europe. Thefive verses begin
1 Lord, you give the great commission:
2 Lord, you call us to your service:
3 Lord, you make the common holy:
4 Lord, you show us love’s true measure:
5 Lord, you bless with words assuring:
(While the fulltext is on Hymnary.org, Hope publishing has placedrestrictions on its use.)
The fourth verse is dated by the author’s reference to the PECUSA“social gospel” movement, when it calls on God to “lead us to a justsociety.” But if you drop that, with the refrain asking “with theSpirit’s gifts empower us for the work of ministry,” the hymn doesseem ideally suited for ordinations.
The editors of Hymnal 1982sought in hymn #528 tosell a new purpose-written tune for the hymn. But I’m guessing thatat some point that people figured out that a text that was sungrarely (perhaps for some parishioners, once or twice in their life)should from a practical standpoint set to a familiar tune.
Later hymnals have used Abbot’s Leigh, the tune written in1941 by Cyril Taylor when patriotic Englishmen and womencomplained to the BBC that “Glorious things of thee are spoken” wasbeing sung to the Austrian National Anthem. (Thus earlier hymnalslist Austria while later hymnals list Abbot’s Leigh or both). Thetext and tune appear together in (among other places) the 1989Methodist hymnal, the 1990 and 2006 Presbyterian (PCUSA) hymnal,PECUSA’s 1997 Wonder, Love and Praise

Communion Service (1940/1982 Hymnal-USA), (Merbecke) - † Free ...

and various Catholichymnals. As best I can tell, the Methodists were the first to usethe better known tune with the text by then-Bp. Rowthorn.

Tradition is a good thing. It is traditionalism that is bad. Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. Tradition lives in conversation with the past, while remembering where we are and when we are and that it is we who have to decide. —Jaroslav Pelikan

We are created to sing because it leads us joyfully to the great Singer and Creator of the heavens and the earth. Don’t ever allow yourself to think that we invented music and singing. We were designed and created to sing by God. Paul Tripp writes, “God is the ultimate musician. His music transforms your life. The notes of redemption can rearrange your heart and restore your life. His songs of forgiveness, grace, reconciliation, truth, hope, sovereignty, and love give you back your humanity and restore your identity in Him. Our singing should sound like Him, look like Him, and lead our hearts to Him.”

When the Psalmist sings, “I lift up my eyes to the hills, (asking) where does my help come from?”, his help does not come from those hills, but from He who made the hills. We do not worship the created art of singing, we worship Him who created the art. So don’t sing primarily because you love singing, or keep quiet because you do not. Sing because you love who made you, and formed you, and enables you to sing. – From SING! by Keith and Kristyn Getty

Note: See RECOMMENDED LINKS and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BOOKS at the bottom of this web page. Also see “Seven Biblical Reasons Why Singing Matters” on the Priest & Church Musician Relationship Page.

Hello: Due to Covid 19 restrictions, will get back to adding to the weekly Worship Planner as soon as our Task Force members are back to working from their offices and/or back to regular worship in their churches. Thank you for you patience and understanding in these difficult times.


An excerpt from the Music Ministry Philosophy main page, “An interview with the Music Task Force Chair: Mark K. Williams”.

What about music styles and effective choice and leadership of music for the congregation’s worship?

I have come to a place that the style of a piece of music is not so important. Musical expression of God’s love and grace through the Gospel is certainly larger than any singular style of song. To me then, what is important is that the choice of music have these quality traits: that it is singable by the congregation and was composed with this in mind (it is not a soloistic piece of music). That the melody of the song is well-crafted and, that there is a good marriage between the melody and the text. That the music, as much as possible, is in a key that the congregation can sing (no notes below the A below middle C and no notes above high D or E). That the music carries some level of high intrinsic value; that it has stood the test of time, however long. And that the choice of music fits the liturgical year or the theme for the day for worship. The primary goal here is that quality and appropriate music is chosen for the work of the people; music that the congregation can successfully participate in singing. Not that the congregation watches the leadership sing.


Also, I repeat new songs (hymns, spiritual songs, and Service Music) often to allow the congregation to become familiar enough with the music that they can eventually move from learning it to worshipping through it. If it’s a new hymn or praise song, we sing it three Sundays in a row so that the congregation can grow into it. We also know after three weeks whether a new song has taken or not. And most important, I strive very hard to have the leading of the song (whether through the choir’s leadership and/or the leadership of the song through a keyboard, or through the instruments or our Folk Group/Praise Team) to be in as authentic a manner as possible. And finally in all this, I work diligently to find a tempo that allows the music to dance and to be successful within the room acoustic it is being offered. “Singing tempos” in acoustically dry rooms will need to be different than in acoustically live ones.

So what do I mean by the phrase, “revealing the song in as authentic a manner as possible?” What I mean here is that if it is a chant then chant it, based on the rhythm of speech. If it is an Appalachian folk song, let it dance as one. If it is a spiritual, unlock the appropriate musical tempo and style of a spiritual and let it be that. Ask yourself, “who wrote this song and how would the people who wrote have sung it?” You can find much about how to properly “clothe” a song, an authentic expression of the song, through the asking of these key questions and through taking the time to explore the fine print at the top and bottom of the printed page of music. When was this music composed, what country does it come from, what is the meter of the song, and what is the origin of the text before you are all key questions in this journey?

This, my friends, can become a most gratifying trek. And when the journey is taken, you will discover that the notes on the page are waiting there to be unlocked. That when the right tempo and dance of the song are found and expressed, when the song is “properly clothed”, those words will actually begin to fly off the page and our work of worship through song will be the richer for it.

And finally, as the song leader, I would challenge you to dare to listen deep, to listen to the core, the “inner mantle” of the sound that is being made. And then from this to encourage and to lovingly coax the singers and instrumentalists toward a more authentic expression of that sound using modeling and analogy as highly effective tools in your tool box. I have come to develop a great love for the congregation’s singing, for truly they are a part of the great choir that joins with the eternal praise of those gathered around the throne of God.


The Hymn Society A terrific resource for all kinds of congregational singing.

https://hymnary.org/hymnal/EH1982/ Hymnary.org includes the entire contents of The Hymnal 1982 including texts and high-quality scans of most hymns.

https://www.riteseries.org/song/Hymnal1982/display/title/1/ The Ritesong Online Music Library includes The Hymnal 1982 and its Service Music with a search engine, viewable scores, and recordings of all music in the hymnal.

https://wordwisehymns.com/this-blog/ Wordwise Hymns is a site dedicated to hymns – their history and their meaning.

https://us.ccli.com/CCLI provides information and resources for churches and copyright owners around the world, relating to copyrights of Christian worship songs

https://songselect.ccli.com/ SongSelect, a division of CCLI, is the fine source for worship song resources. Users can easily download transposable chord charts, melodic lead sheets, vocal harmony sheets, and lyrics-only sheets for over 100,000 Christian songs.

https://www.sheetmusicdirect.com/ From this website you can download thousand of songs in several formats as well as transpose songs in different keys.

https://store.gettymusic.com/us/songs/The official website of modern hymn-writers Keith & Kristyn Getty (known for “In Christ Alone”) with music resources, articles, videos, and more.


SING!—Keith and Kristyn Getty (available on Amazon)

We can not more highly recommend a book on the history and nature of Christian singing to priests, music directors, choir members, and congregants than Sing! This powerful and deeply insightful book has grown out of Keith and Kristyn Getty’s passion for congregational singing. It has been formed by their traveling and playing and listening and discussing and learning and teaching all over the world. In writing it, the Getty’s have five key aims:

• to discoverwhy we sing and the overwhelming joy and holy privilege that comes with singing

• to considerhow singing impacts our hearts and minds and all of our lives

• to cultivatea culture of family singing in our daily home life

• to equip ourchurches for wholeheartedly singing to the Lord and one another as anexpression of unity

Hymnal (us 1982)music For Your Church Services Episcopal

• to inspireus to see congregational singing as a radical witness to the world

[O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord]

Also included are discussion questions at the end of each chapter for the use of small groups and choirs.

Melodious Accord—Alice Parker (available on Amazon)

Hymnal (us 1982)music For Your Church Services Online

Singing is what liturgy sounds like and singing is what all of us can delight to do. Alice Parker has brought song to congregations that never knew they had it. As composer and arranger (her work with the Robert Shaw Chorale is known around the world), as conductor and as teacher, she is song’s champion to all of us who thought we had left the singing to the professionals. This book is the best effort to capture in print what she has to teach us about taking song from the page and the stage and amplifiers and putting it right where it belongs, on each and every tongue.

Best book on composing and arranging songs: 36 Song Arrangement Tips for the Small Recording Studio: Practical Arrangement Tips to Take Your Songs to the Next Level – Amos P. Clarke (available on Amazon)

Finally, a user-friendly and well-written book on successfully composing and arranging song. Although the title communicates a focus on studio artists and producers, the book is entirely applicable to composers and arrangers of sacred song, both experienced and inexperienced. In my experience, far too many worship songs have been written without the proven fundamentals of good composition in play. Without the use of these time-proven essentials, many composed songs and arrangements wind up with complicated rhythms, are solo artist rather than congregation focused, and have melodies which wander or fall flat as they are not memorable melodies that take the singers, the worshippers, on a journey. That is a journey with God as the audience and a melody that illustrates and reveals the text with craftsmanship and profound simplicity for the worshippers. As you will see, worship songs with staying power, the ones with lasting intrinsic value, are the ones that employ many of the excellent essential principles communicated in Amos Clarke’s book.

36 Song Arrangement Tips for the Small Recording Studio: Practical Arrangement Tips to Take Your Songs to the Next Level is a must for any musician who wants to successfully compose a new or arrange an already composed song for a congregation, a worship band, or a church folk group. No doubt, inspiration from the Holy Spirit has undergirded many a successful sacred composition. At the same time, the Lord exhorts us to “play skillfully” and to “sing with the heart and with the mind also”. This book will significantly aid church musicians toward these ends.

Written in highly compact but powerful and easily accessible chapters of 2-3 pages in length, the book is filled with indispensable approaches to successful composition and arranging. We cannot more highly recommend Mr. Clarke’s book. If this topic is a need, a desire, and you want to improve your own ministry, get this book! You will not regret your purchase.

The Hymnal 1982: Basic Singer’s Edition Hardcover by Church Publishing (available on Amazon) This hymnal still remains in use for much ACNA liturgical worship in the U.S.

The Hymnal 1982: Accompaniment Edition (2 Volumes) Spiral-bound by Church Publishing (available on Amazon).

The Hymnal 1940: of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America with Supplemental Liturgical Index and Collection of Service Music, Hardcover: 1961 Newest version of the Hymnal 1940. Used by many Reformed Episcopal Churches. (available on Amazon)