Download Create Scale Drawing Torrent

  • Construct a triangle using three given angle measurementsArchived

    Big Ideas: An infinite amount of similar triangles can be created by three angles with a sum of 180 degrees. Triangles can have multiple sides lengths, but the three angle measures remain the same. (This works only when the sides are multiplied by a sc...

  • Campaign Cookies: Scaling a figure by analyzing a proportional relationship with like unitsArchived

    This lesson builds on student's understanding of proportional relationships and scaling in two dimensions. Students will connect understanding of scale factors and dimensions of similar rectangles. This builds towards solving problems involving scale d...

  • Create a dilation by drawing and measuring raysArchived

    Big Ideas: A dilation is a transformation that moves points a specific distance determined by the scale factor, r. The scale factor and center of a dilation determine the coordinates of the image on the coordinate plane. This lesson builds on students'...

  • Reproduce a scale drawing at a different scale by using scale factorsArchived

    Big Ideas: The dimensions on a scale drawing can be multiplied by a scale factor to create a new scale drawing. An original drawing can be increased or decreased by a scale factor to create Scale Drawing 1. Scale Drawing 1 can be increased or decreased...

  • Finding reduced and enlarged triangle areas by using scale factorsArchived

    Big Ideas: Dimensions of triangles can be reduced or enlarged by using proportional reasoning and a scale factor. This lesson builds on students’ previous work using proportional reasoning to find new dimensions and includes previous learning for findi...

  • Compute the area of a rectangle by using scale factorArchived

    Big Ideas: The area of a scale drawing can be calculated using proportional reasoning and a scale factor. This lesson builds on students’ previous work using proportional reasoning to find new dimensions and includes previous learning for finding area ...

  • In this lesson you will learn to generate a scale drawing by using whole number scale factors.

Scale Drawing Definition

Draw an accurate scale drawing of this triangle. Draw an accurate scale drawing of this triangle. 6cm 4cm 8cm 8cm Draw the first line with a ruler 8cm make it a bit longer than you need Measure 8cm.


Scale Drawing Calculator


Download Create Scale Drawing Torrent 64-bit

  1. Draw to Any Scale You can draw your plan using any scale selected from the standard architectural, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and metric scales. The drawing area will show rulers and a grid in real world coordinates to help you design. You'll also be able to change the scale of the drawing mid-drawing.
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