Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program Contact Download Free

Portion of the proceeds donated to Canadian Tire Jumpstart Fragrances are high-quality, strong and long-lasting. Giving kids the opportunity to access sport and play is essential for their growth and development, which is why Jumpstart funds a variety of different sports and activities all with the goal of giving all kids the chance to discover their passion. Free occasional parking on the street: Description and Services; Description (Service) Staff assist families with low incomes to apply for subsidy funding (through Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charity) of financial assistance for their children ages 4-18 years to participate in sport and physical activity programs: Hours: Mon-Fri 8:30 am-4 pm: Areas.

  1. Canadian Tire Jumpstart Grant
  2. Jumpstart Program

Dauphin Recreation Services is proud to be a part of the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program for the Parkland Area.
We want ALL children to have the opportunity to play the sports they love.
What is Canadian Tire Jumpstart?
Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program launched by the family of Canadian Tire companies in 2005.
The program helps financially disadvantaged kids (aged 4-18) participate in organized sport and recreation by covering registration, equipment, and/or transportation costs.
For some kids, the program gives them the chance to experience a sport for the very first time. For others, it is the boost they need to continue with an activity they love.
Since it's inception, the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program has given more than 950,000 kids a sporting chance. With your support, we can help even more.
Equipping Kids for Life
One in three Canadian families cannot afford to enrol their kids in organized sports and physical activities, leaving many kids on the sidelines. Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities is dedicated to removing financial barriers so kids across Canada have the opportunity to get off the sidelines and into the game.
Whether it's the chance to try a sport for the very first time, or to continue with their favourite physical activity, Jumpstart makes it possible for all kids to participate. We see it as equipping kids for life because quality physical activity for kids does more than improve health and well-being. It helps build confidence, leadership, productivity and creativity. This is the power of Canadian Tire Jumpstart.
How Jumpstart Can Help
We help enrich the lives of kids (ages 4-18) in need through sports and physical activity by assisting with the costs associated with registration, equipment and/or transportation.
Run, jump, dance, skate, dive throw, kick... Jumpstart helps kids to explore a range of options by supporting over 70 different activities. In addition to enabling participation in high-profile sports like hockey, soccer and swimming, Jumpstart also helps kids take dance lessons and martial arts classes, play ringette or take part in several dozen other activities. What kids do is up to them; we're here to help them do it!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does Jumpstart have funding requirements?
A: Yes. Revenue Canada's Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICOs) which are published by Statistics Canada may be used as a benchmark to determine if a family meets Jumpstart's funding criteria. Families living below these income levels would meet Jumpstart's funding criteria.
Q: How long does a program have to be to qualify for funding?
A: Funding should be for a sustained program that is either a minimum of five weeks in duration with a minimum of one session per week, or in the case of sport camps, five consecutive days.
Q: Can I apply for funding for all my children?
A: Yes, funding can be requested for more than one child in a family as long as the children are between the ages of 4-18.
Q: Can I request funding for two seasons in a row for my child?
A: Yes. Children can be funded for successive seasons in an activity.
Q: Can I request funding for more than one sport for my child?
A: Yes. A child may be eligible to receive funding for more than one sport per year; however only one sport is covered within each funding request.
Applications for funding can be submitted until June 1st, 2018 for Spring & Summer activities.
Applications for assistance can be completed online at:
In the PARKLAND AREA, feel free to contact Tamara at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for assistance.

Jumpstart is more than just about getting kids active. It’s about giving kids from families in financial need the same chance to participate as their neighbours, their classmates and their friends. Whether it’s the chance to try a new sport or to continue with a favourite one, no kid should be left out.
Canadian Tire Jumpstart Program Contact Download Free
The vision of Jumpstart is simple: Canada, where all kids have a chance to fulfill their dreams.
Jumpstart is a national charity with a commitment to local communities. Organized sports connect kids to their communities. Canadian Tire Corporation recognized this and makes sure that money raised stays where it is donated. Canadian Tire Corporation is Jumpstart’s biggest supporter as it funds all the general administrative expenses of Jumpstart, which means 100% of customer donations go directly to help kids in need.

Sports are a proven way to boost kids’ self-esteem, leadership and academic abilities.

That’s why Jumpstart has worked passionately since 2005 to remove financial barriers and help over 1.4 million kids get into sports and physical activity. We remain committed to removing the financial barriers to play.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart Grant


Jumpstart Program

With your support, we can ensure no kid gets left on sidelines.